Along with the young companions who found her, Licha and Jandro, Amy has accompanied the swaggering Colonel Dack Sangcertigre—a member of the Trotéjo, the secret society sworn to protect her—to his home nation in search of a plan to fulfill the Promise of a New Morphósis. But when Dack is taken into custody Amy is left to fend for herself. As the body count rises and she is confronted with raving rulers, military machinations, and crafty clergy, she quickly realizes there must be much more at stake than merely finding the prophecy.
Despite dark clouds that seem to follow her and the maddening peculiarities of an unfamiliar world, Amy is determined to succeed. And, since she hasn’t a clue as to how she might return to her world, there really is no other choice. A firm believer of jumping into the fire, Amy is forced to put her trust in her small core of devotees as they struggle to push forward through unidentified destructive forces.